

General Diversion Information

If you have recently been charged or ticketed, you may be eligible for a diversion.  A diversion is an agreement between you and my office; that if you complete certain tasks and have no further convictions during the diversion term, the case will be dismissed.  If you do not complete the tasks, or get convicted of a crime during the diversion term, then your diversion may be revoked and the case will proceed based on admissions contained in the diversion agreement. If you would like consideration into the Diversion Program, the first step is to apply. 

Give us a call if you want to inquire about the program.


1) Fill out diversion application and return to our office.

2) If you are accepted, you will receive a diversion.

— Sign diversion,

— Have it reviewed by an attorney, if you wish, and

— Return signed diversion and money required to the County Attorney.

— If you are not able to proceed with the diversion, come to court.

3) If you are not accepted, you will receive a letter. You must then come to court.

Diversion Application

Choose the diversion application below.  Email, mail, or fax the completed diversion application to our office. If you have only been ticketed with traffic infractions, you can fill out the Traffic Diversion Application.  All other charges require the Criminal Diversion Application.  Please take time to read the information contained on the application.

Sample Diversion Agreements

We have included Sample Diversion Agreements here for your information. The terms may be changed depending on the situation, but the general form will be the same.


Below are links to programs that may be required of you if you are accepted on Diversion.

Diversion Costs

If accepted into the Diversion Program, select financial costs will be associated. Costs could include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Community Service

  • Court Costs

  • Diversion Fee

  • Donation

  • Program Fees

How to Make a Payment

All payments must be delivered or mailed to the County Attorney’s Office.

If your payment is due to the Court, Treasurer, or Community Foundation, you must write a check or money order directly to that entity.

We do not have change. Cash payments must be in the exact amount owed. Checks must be written only for the amount owed.

Please make sure your case number and legal name are on your payment.
